Over 5 million people have been impacted by flooding due to deadly monsoon rains in the southeastern districts of Bangladesh. Many are stranded and seeking refuge in shelters. Human Appeal is on the ground, responding to the emergency and providing lifesaving aid.
Give £920 and transform the life of a street child in Pakistan with food, healthcare, education, and a safe place at our Aminah drop-in centre.
Abandoned and at risk, every single day. 350,000 children live on Dhaka’s streets, exposed to abuse and exploitation. Help them to build a brighter future through our drop-in centre.
Give £880 and provide the best of charities – clean drinking water. Your donation will provide around 105 people with access to safe water near their homes, allowing them to grow crops, feed livestock, bathe, and clean their food.
650,000 people in Bangladesh are living with blindness due to cataracts, a completely treatable condition. Your charity will give the gift of sight to a person, helping them to become independent and mobile again.
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