Automate your charity on the blessed 27th and 29th nights now so you don’t miss Laylatul Qadr.
Automate your charity on the blessed 27th and 29th nights now so you don’t miss Laylatul Qadr.
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Automate your donations over the blessed 30 nights of Ramadan so you don’t miss Laylatul Qadr.
Sustainable clean water for 14,000 people
Indeed, those men and women who give in charity and lend to Allah a good loan will have it multiplied for them, and they will have an honourable reward. (Quran 57:18)
It is difficult to overstate how devastating conditions are for Yemeni families, who face the brutal combination of war, cholera, famine, continuing hunger and crippled health systems. Water and hygiene facilities in rural areas are collapsing, and there is an urgent need for safe water supplies.
Sustainable clean water for a Yemeni community
£3,500 – Provide one share in our water rehabilitation project, which will provide sustainable clean water to a total of 14,000 people.
Yemen’s vulnerable families have survived the war but more than 60% of families have to trek long distances to collect water. Vulnerable families also lack suitable latrines, toilets, and waste management.
With your help, we want to rehabilitate two water sources, two livestock water ponds, and install a solar powered water well and water tank, as well as water pumps and taps to distribute the water to 2,000 families in to communities in Lahj.
In all, this project will rehabilitate two water sources in Bany Mareh and Baraqish, ensuring the water produced clean, tested, and safe. We’ll also install a solar powered pump system, taps, and a livestock water reservoir, and a water tank in each community. Through your support, families will be able to drink clean water, prepare their meals, and wash themselves without having to worry about dangerous dirty water. They’ll also be able to provide clean water to livestock, helping to support local livelihoods.
Give your sadaqah in Yemen and help us provide clean water sources and improve a vulnerable community’s health and hygiene. Right now we’re working to provide community clean water access, including:
This project helps vulnerable families access clean water and improve their health and livelihoods. Eligible families chosen for the project are also facing hardship in feeding their families, recovering from illness, and following good hygiene practices, with priority given to women-led households.
All of our current projects are Zakat-applicable, and you can calculate what you owe with our easy-to-use Zakat calculator.
A plaque to mark your Sadaqah Jariyah
When you donate to this project, you’ll have your name inscribed on a plaque at the site, a testament to the impact of this donation. As a Sadaqah Jariyah, this project will continue to provide an income and coffee beans to the family for years to come – and provide blessings to you, even after you are gone.
“When a person dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three: ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah), knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him.” (Sahih Muslim)
Our work in Yemen
Human Appeal has been changing lives through our projects in Yemen since 2014. We’ve helped over 1 million Yemenis during the course of the conflict, primarily through health projects and emergency food aid to tackle malnutrition. Last year, you helped us to support a total of 3,843,270 globally, including 148,230 people in Yemen.
Your charity could transform the lives of an entire community, helping them to with a secure their health and clean water for years to come.
Human Appeal is committed to providing aid in the country or programme that you select. In the event we complete the programme, exceed the required funds, or are denied access to a particular country for reasons beyond our control, Human Appeal reserves the right to reallocate your donation to another programme where it is needed most.