0161 225 0225
Human Appeal Orphan - Houdaifa



Hello, my name is Houdaifa and I am 11 years old.

Personality Type: Energetic

Best Friend's Name: Oualid

Favourite Game: Chess

School Status: In School

School Grades: Average

Favourite Subject: Arabic

Height (m): 141.0

Weight (kgs): 30

How child sponsorship transforms a life

Warm and clothed

Providing orphans with suitable, dignified clothing, and keeping them warm and dry throughout the year.

Well nourished

Your sponsorship helps to provide regular food to the child you sponsor, allowing them to thrive.

A roof and a home

Having the stability of a home to return to at the end of the day helps children to focus in school and provides them with the security and stability that all children need in order to flourish.

Helping children return to school

Sadly, sometimes children are forced to work in order to keep themselves and their families fed. Providing their caregiver with a regular income helps orphans to return to school, pay for their learning materials, and build a brighter future.

Support for the whole family

When a widowed mother has an income for one of her children, the whole family is supported through shelter and food, and through the easing of the financial burden on the family.

Healthcare and medical support

Providing orphans with proper health care, routine check-ups and immunisations.

