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Ramadan 2024 - Third Ashra and Eid

With Allah’s mercy, we successfully completed the third Ashra (10 days) of Ramadan, as well as Eid al-Fitr.

We’re bringing you our last Every Human for the Ramadan period – this time with a focus on the last 10 days and Eid al-Fitr. In this issue, we share the last updates from our Feed the Fasting work and Zakat al-Fitr distributions, interviews with the people you’ve helped, as well as our staff who helped them.

You'll also gain insight into the work being done on the ground through interviews with a doctor and patients at our mobile clinic in Gaza. Plus, Mahmoud, our acting country director in Gaza, shares his valuable insights after over 200 days of war.

Explore this magazine to learn more about the mercy of our work – for those who give, and those who receive – in the last Ashra of Ramadan, and throughout Eid al-Fitr.

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Ramadan 2024 - Second Ashra

With Allah’s mercy, we successfully completed the second Ashra (10 days) of Ramadan.

In each Ashra, we bring you a new edition of Every Human, telling you all the latest on our distributions, long-term projects, and the incredible work from our staff in the field. We’re very excited to share the second edition of Every Human Ramadan 2024. In this issue, we share the latest information from our Feed the Fasting work, preparations for Zakat al-Fitr, interviews with the people you’ve helped, as well as our staff who helped them.

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Ramadan 2024 - First Ashra

Every Human Ramadan is the special edition of our quarterly magazine, created especially for you.

In each of the Asharas (10 days) of Ramadan we bring you closer to the projects you support by passing the mic to the people that you help and to the staff around the world who deliver your Ramadan charity.

Come, take a look at how your support has transformed communities in the Holy Month. We hope you enjoy getting to know some of the people who make us Human Appeal.

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