0161 225 0225

The Ultimate Sky Dive Challenge

Dive out of an aeroplane at 10,000 feet as part of a death-defying tandem jump to raise funds for Syrian Homes, providing families displaced by the civil war with a brick and steel home which will last at least 10 years.

The challenge at a glance:

• Date: Our team can book a skydive on any day of your choosing.

• Location: Our team will book the closet location to you!

• Distance: 10,000 feet

• Registration fee: £50 includes the cost of the sky dive.

• The cause: Syria Homes Programme

• Fundraising target: £1,500

Sign up now to the Sky Dive Challenge

Don’t dream it, do it. We’re looking for 10 death-defying volunteers to take the Ultimate Sky Dive Challenge - a 10,000 feet death-defying tandem dive from a moving plane in support of our Syria Homes appeal. Are you ready to take the ultimate plunge for fantastic cause? Places limited, sign up now.



27 Sept

Event details alt text

Climb for our Syria Homes Appeal

After 11 years of conflict in Syria, millions of people remain displaced from their home country and live in tents that offer no protection from the sweltering summer heat and bitter cold winters. Children suffer in tents that become flooded after spending their days looking for wood to burn for warmth.

Our Syria Homes project is dedicated to building safe and sanitary brick and steel homes with secure windows and doors, a living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom, with a water tank providing safe, clean water, and septic tank connected to a sewage network. Dare you take the ultimate plunge for a fantastic cause?

Sign up today

Dare to dream, to dive in, to take the plunge… We’re looking for 10 death-defying volunteers to sign up to our Ultimate Sky Dive Challenge to raise funds for our Syria Homes programme. Ready to dive in?

